Picture Drama Show Project
uPicture Drama Show Projectv

"Rabbit chasing mountain, small sushi fishing river". The original scenery of the lyric song "Hometown" is alive and well.
Of course, it was when there was no TV. Tick, tick, tick.
When the sound of the clapping tree sounds, children jump from here and there, The only entertainment was watching the picture drama show as if sucking a candy ball and biting into it.
Picture drama shows are a unique entertainment for children in Japan, In today's diversified world, attention is being paid to the educational characteristics that foster empathetic sensibilities. The picture drama show project team believed that. Supported by a young customer who shines his eyes and stares at the picture drama show We are continuing our activities.

"I am?"

When I first saw Yatsu Higata, this was the sea! You will be surprised. However, this swamp is a clear sea with the ebb and flow of the tide. It smells like the tide. This is because it is still connected to Tokyo Bay by two waterways, the Yatsu River and the Takase River. In addition to the prominent birds and fish, this picture drama show that begins with "The water of the sea has drained" "Crab" and "Whelk" that you can't find unless you look closely "Lugworm" and "Cram" in the sand It is introduced in a quiz format, "I am he?" Enter the Yatsu Higata and actually pick up these creatures You can't see it, but you can see the ecology and purification of the creatures on the tidal flats. I hope it will give you an opportunity to understand your role. (It is a picture drama show for young children) "Oh, the eyeballs are fluttering on the water, who is watching?" "I'm Mud Crab. I'll fold my eyes." (I will fold my eyes with a trick) Everyone, we are waiting for you at the Observation Center.

We have posted the covers of 11 types of picture drama shows that we currently own. Children look at this cover. Inflate your heart with the story that is about to begin.